Trött på stretching? Pröv yoga! New season, new opportunities!

I know you can not really tell when you look outside your Göteborg window, but it’s spring time folks! Yes, you heard that right! The season’s calendar says spring is here! Yuhuu 😀

So do you know what this means?

It is time for new opportunities 🙂 Time for waking up your body and mind even more after this long and dark winter.

Time to try that new thing you’ve been planning on doing for a long time. Time to commit yourself and put effort into improving yourself every single day more. Time to stop finding excuses and be grateful for the opportunities you are given.

As Casey Neistat said: “The happiest time is NOW” or as I would say, “The best time to start working towards achieving your dreams, is NOW.” Don’t waste not even one more second into finding excuses for your weak mind, blaming others or just sink into the sea of bad repetitive thoughts.

Start giving your best and all is coming!

At Unfold Your Mat, spring is also coming 🙂 It is coming with new beautiful ideas to work on, more workshops and teaching plans to make my students learn more about themselves and how the daily practice of yoga is possible if we really want to. By putting effort into my daily own practice, I am creating more opportunities for my students to develop their  own practice.

I started this spring with my morning Primary Series Ashtanga practice. I’ve been smiling the whole day. You know why? Because I’m happy and grateful for all the wonderful things this project has brought, for meeting you all, watching you learn and grow. I am happy I have learned that the key to a lifetime of happiness is not to be happy every single moment of my life, but it is to remain just a student. Every single day, I try to understand more and more about human consciousness, the mind, humanity, life itself. It is so complex! And I hope more and more people will start practicing real yoga and not just a stretching routine.

I encourage you all to be curious. To try something before judging. To try not just once and quit, but to be really sure you have given your best into practicing that thing before putting a label on it. And if you still don’t like it, then make an evaluation about what that experience has thought you.

Always give your best! Isn’t always more to learn? Or do you think you already know it all?

Challenge your friends during the month of March to start creating more positive change in their life and try out real yoga!

Share your own yoga journey and practice pictures by using #tröttpåstretchingprövyoga & #unfoldyourmat on Instagram and Facebook.

Wish you all a lovely spring full of life and clarity! Happy practice! And never give up!


© Unfold Your Mat 2017

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