Christina’s Yoga – Strong and grounded with Zoom yoga during the pandemic

Who is Christina? I was born and raised in a ranch in Mexico. I have always been surrounded by animals. Horses, dogs, cats, pigs, ferrets, sheep, donkeys, ducks, geese are all main characters in my childhood memories. It was actually through horses that I got my first taste of the benefits and pleasure of exercise. …

Becky’s Yoga – Between softness and strength

Hey Becky! Thank you so much for being here and for sharing with the world your experience of yoga! Can you tell us a few words about yourself? Who is Becky? I’m a writer, creator and activist for social change. I currently work in marketing communications in the medical device industry. Outside of work and …

Kathrin’s yoga experience during pregnancy

Hi Kathrin! Thank you so much for accepting to do this interview and sharing with the people out there your yoga story and the experience of practicing before and during pregnancy. So let’s get started!  Can you share with the readers who Kathrin is? 36, living in Sweden since 2013, researcher at the University of …