I can look back and see mistakes or see progress

I am writing these lines while lying on my belly in sphinx pose. My mat is under me and I feel so calm and fulfilled today. I just read a comment from someone who is embarking on his 200 hours TTC journey and it made me remember my own journey. I watched this video I recorded in February 2015 before …

Morning yoga in the Swedish darkness

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu Hello beautiful people! This morning too ( like some of you out there) I woke up to the Swedish darkness. I guess I’ll have enough time until next summer to improve my early morning motivation to do my practice. I opened my eyes and the only …

Ashtanga series: My first Ashtanga Mysore practice

First Ashtanga Mysore practice / Primary Series START: 9AM FINISH: 11 AM It’s Saturday morning. 7 Am alarm rings. Go take a shower. Put on the yoga clothes and my favorite woolen jumper. Mister husband is so kind that he wakes up on his free day to prepare a very small breakfast before my Ashtanga class, a …

First impressions: My first Iyengar yoga class

Last week I attended my first Iyengar yoga class EVER. I’ve been planning for a long time to try Iyengar yoga, mostly because I thought I’m an alignment freak and what better place to be than in an Iyengar studio? I am also super fascinated by the life, teachings and inquisitive mind of Mr. Iyengar. …

Connect the dots. Going home is a feeling

Steve Jobs once said: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” I’ve been reflecting for a while whether or not to write this. In the end I have decided to put my thoughts into words on this ordinary …

I’m going home! But first…meeting her :)

  Starting a new week and last one in Göteborg before my holidays. Yey! Well…the workshop I will be attending in Stockholm this weekend is not exactly a holiday, but since it will be my opportunity to be just in the student’s role, I can say, it’s a kind of holiday 🙂 I’m so looking forward to it! …